After a few minutes of familiarising myself with the instruction and watching the very helpful videos on the
PolyGFX website I was ready to begin. As the cases were brand new they didn't need much preparation or cleaning.

Applying CaseSkins the Lian-Li PC60 is a charm as the sides of the case are very flat and only a very simple grill in the top. Before I could start sticking vinyl to metal the fan had to be removed from the top blowhole, the thumbscrews removed from the rear and the front bezel removed to make life much easier.

Applying the skin was very straight forward. Simply peel back the backing to reveal a couple of inches of the self adhesive vinyl and align the front edge and bottom edge with the corresponding case edges. All that remains is carefully removing the backing while sweeping the bubbles out with the applicator.

Once the skin had been applied around the sides and top of the case all that remained was to trim off the excess and neaten up the edges.

If you look back to the picture of the case without the skin you will notice that there was a blowhole in the top of the case. So with the aid of a sharp craft knife each slot was cut out very carefully.
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